26 Mar 2011

Because I love to read

I really love to read, especially on Saturday, and Sunday mornings, after my morning jog. So, every time I went to visit a charity shop, I will stand for hours (OK, not really hours), in front of the books' rack.

However, I was not that lucky most of the time. Crime, thriller, and adventure are my favourite genres, but I find it really hard to choose a book when I saw many of them being grouped together. If only I have the money, I will definitely buy all of them, since one of my dreams is to have my very own library.

Here are some of the books that I've collected here in the UK;

There are few others, but I have donated them back to a charity shop. Mainly because my sense of humour is too low. The books were supposed to be funny, but I just couldn't bring myself to laugh. Instead, I felt like punching the main character in the face with my iron fist. Ha ha!

Cheers, love.

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