29 Nov 2012

What if Im brave enough?

Hello lovely people!

I was going through some blogs that I haven't got the time to visit for quite some time now, and I've got this idea from Aemy to list the things I'd do if I have enough guts to do them.

  1. Take a second degree as a veterinary
  2. Travel around the world through backpacking, and hitch-hiking
  3.  Adopt a few kids
  4. Become a mayor in my town

Well, I've got to admit that these need more money than guts. Wahaha. I'll see what I can do.

How about you?


Unknown said...

I think I am more interested to become a mayor in my town. Adopt few kids,unless i get married to a millionaire then :)

Miki Aya said...

If I got married to a millionaire, then more so the reason to adopt kids, and becoming a mayor. It's gonna be awesome! :)