This is based on a true story;
A 17-year old guy (let us call him A) has gotten his heart broken by his girlfriend (let us call her B)......
After the breakup, he was enraged when he saw his ex-girlfriend walking with a new guy, so he threw a pebble at her.
Due to the wound inflicted by A, B undergoes a minor surgery, and was pronounced dead 7 days later, caused by the growth of an abscess.
The doctor who did the surgery on her (let us call him Dr. C), testified at court, saying that A was at fault for B's death.
However, to be frank, I think that A should not be the only one to be found guilty.
Dr. C has his fair share of fault in this incident.
Regardless of my personal opinion, A was persecuted anyway.
After A's death, Dr. C took A's body,dissected it, and turned his skin into book cover.
This had made my earlier opinion on Dr. C seems more valid.
Who, in his right mind, will do something as cruel as that?
A 190 years later, which was few weeks ago, a skeleton with the noose still around his neck (picture above,above,above...), believed (and proven) to be A, was found inside a cupboard at the University of Bristol.
So, I wonder if Dr. C has kept A inside the cupboard, and had totally forgotten about it.
A....finally, R.I.P.
Moral of the story:
Do not throw a pebble at your ex-partner. You might end up being a skeleton in a cupboard (and only be found 200 years later).