6 Jan 2011

ma' dahling

I love dogs as if they are my lovers. Ha ha! That's right! This is Darling, my favourite dog, but was lost because of my dad. Oh, you are going to pay for this, dad. A lot!

When she was born, my siblings and I were arguing on what name suits her best.
The list: Bilu, ......(I can't remember), and Darling. So, of course, Darling won! Ha ha!

I just can't part with her, so I'll bring her to almost everywhere I go. She's too heavy to carry by hand, so I'll let her sit inside this wakid. She really likes it that way. How I miss her.

She's just so fluffy.

Looking at her innocent eyes, made me feel like cuddling her all the time. Ha ha!

This is her favourite way of sleeping. In fact, she sleep so soundly, that she snores.

She grows, and became so hyperactive.

Darling and my dad's dog Longuk. The black dog at the back is her mother, Topikung. My family has a strange taste for dog's names.

She has to be chained since she will chase and most likely bite every living person that walk pass our home.

However, it doesn't seems to bother her much.

She'll sleep like a good kid when she has nothing else to do.

Realizing that I am still there, taking photos, she'll spare me some time. Ha ha! How I love her.

She grows older, and bears a pup, named Baby.

She looks thinner, most probably because of the delivery, but I still love her best. Baby is a girl too, but mom gave her away since the villagers are fighting for Darling's pup. Darling, you are so famous.

Baby grows up, and Darling gave birth to another set of puppies.

They are supposedly eight of them, but two of them passed away.

Darling is easily distracted.

Undoubtedly, she loves her babies.

She came home running in the rain to feed the puppies.

Six of them.

However, Darling is here no more. She was lost, while I am in UK. Dad should have taken care of her, looked for her, but he didn't. I sometimes, dreamt of her, cried for her, but there's nothing I could do here. Pray? Maybe that's the only thing left for me to do. It has been two months since she was gone now, and it would be a miracle if I found her again on July, when I come home for the summer holiday.

I love you, ma' dahling.


Anonymous said...

I love u darling tho i haven't met u yet! :D can't imagine my life without dogs :)

Miki Aya said...

Right! Dogs are such a wonderful creature. Though, there'll probably no more opportunity for you to meet her, you'll surely understand what I've felt since you had Mozart in the same way.

Tanak wagu said...

teringat saya tu anjing saya juga
tama pungut di sana tamparuli time she okoto lagi
masa tu anjing sia mau mati sudah, dia pergi atas bukit, jauh dari rumah kami. supaya kami tidak sedih tengok dia depan mati mungkin:(

Unknown said...

woah... you appreciate her so much didn't you? I'm sory to know she's lost. hurmm... really hope you'll find her back soon^^

Miki Aya said...

Jack; You telling me this, means, I should assume that Darling is dead? There's a possibility there. Oh mah gad! I can't take it. [T.T]
Gib; Yes, I love her so much. I took care of her since she was a baby until she has become a mother. We've spent so much time together, she's really precious. Thanks for the hope. ('',)

Anonymous said...

brown oo same my duku2 la dulu, brown ngawi nga hilo chest nopo la haro topurak purak, osomok no da bentuk cross hom kisitakin ngawi 4 gakod.. gindapow da ngaran ih laid, oloyo hom mikut arahan kopio, mogimbosing, mogingtikus hom mogim paus maso2 diri..
nga disebabkan haro pakaraja 'tator' ilo walai do sina tonign tionon turus d numaan rantayan id tasu. moguntotori kopio id tator kumaa tasu ku, sekali minogokot id gindapow id tator turus d kada ada id tator, gisom dot numaan tasu ku pakano doh racun, nasib poh id tiso tasu nakaan dot racun, gisom diri naratai nodi id tasu ku, sebab oubas no mengokot, kosuabon poinrantai, totuong poingidu. walaupun itu tator tatap moguntotori samasa tumalib sana jalan raya nga xapa, haro poh 12 tasu ku wokon mengusig, terpaksa d kada ada id tator...

umandak, poin bontung gia lo ih dahling, poin botutung kad negi, cukup makan maso2 duku2...ogayo kokitanan...=)

Miki Aya said...

amu noh ih darling rohian do parantaion ih pogulu poh dah, nga noubas noh gia di. atukoi lo tator, maan da tapapo noh turos dau. ogorot kopio moi pointotori doh tasu. hino nopo kampung nga, rohian ngai iih tulun kumaa tasu ku ih darling, nga sumonu, iih topikung noh moi pongosig tulun, om iih darling nga moi iih halu halu. tama om tanak gia.

simpodonvilla said...

indaa oo..ngam nerii, hombo gia tiso id topikung haro ih hiti ka?

Miki Aya said...

hodi gambar no.15 matu rih. poingitom2, om oniba tikiu dau. amu mah okito ngai doh turos d topikung. naanu d tabangon ku mantad ti tiso sina boh. iri nogi di pimungaranan doh topikung. haha.